Loricraft Record Cleaning

I've put off buying a record cleaning machine for years now, and doing it by hand is just getting old (So am I for that matter). Seems like everyone has an opinion on which machine is best, but nothing really negative on the Loricraft machines.

I'm looking for a used machine if possible, and if someone has one and is tired of cleaning records period, let me know. If you can point me to a solution or have a reason why I'm completely out in left field, that's helpful as well.

Thanks for the input!
I've just purchased a Loricraft (high power model) but have not used it yet. Sold a perfectly good (like new) VPI 16.5 just because I want to clean records and listen to records at the same time, and in the same room.

The 16.5 is perfectly usable, but I kept it away in a separate room because of the noise.

Will it be worth 8 times the money? I don't know...
I'll second the Clearaudio recommendation, if you can't afford the double matrix then look at the Smart Double matrix (about half the cost) where all you do is squeeze the fluid bottle to float fluid on the recond on both sides is a dream, plus since it does both sides at once it can clean and fully dry a warped record like the Loricraft. The Smart Double matrix is quieter than the VPI 17 with the top down, so it's very nice to use, the VPI 16.5 sounded like I was vacuuming the house, definitely not relaxing between record plays, and you don't have to deal with an extra cork mat to prevent from contaminating the other clean side on the dirty cork when you flip the cleaned side down on a most RCM's. Plus the Cool grounded carbon brush removes the static from the album on the Clearaudio.
Pkubica: What all the rush ? If having a clean recording is what you are truly after, why not spend just a few $$ on a Hand Held Steam Cleaning Unit and some micro-cloths , follow the steam cleaning thread and enjoy the discovery.

Should you believe that your records can not be cleaned without a RCM ,than by all means buy one. Just keep in mind that even Terry O'Sullivan , owner of Loricraft, was impressed by my demo of steam cleaning given to he and his staff a few years ago following the CES.

Initially, we had discussed the possibility of merging the two applications but nothing came of those discussions. So, do what you like but please try a steam cleaning. All the Best
I've had a Clearaudio Matrix since they first came out some years ago and wouldn't even consider another rcm. Three of my 'phile friends were so impressed with mine that they too purchased the Matrix.

As for the Double Matrix, I saw it demonstrated at CES a few years back when it was introduced but I didn't like the idea of not being able to see the underside of the lp as it's being cleaned. Actually, the Matrix is already quite fast, waaay faster than any Loricraft, so cleaning one side at a time is not that big a deal.

Yah, the Matrix is a bit noisy but big freakin' deal. It's only noisy when you turn on the vacuum but you can sure tell from the sound it's sucking every last bit of fluid and crud out of the grooves.

They're also extremely well built and you don't have to worry about over-heating if you decide to spend an afternoon cleaning records. You can't say that about the VPI's.

Lastly, none of the Clearaudio rcm's are cheap, especially with the value of the dollar dropping compared to the Euro, but in my mind it's the one to beat.
Rfogel8: On the lower end Smart Double Matrix, they put a mirror below the record so you can see the other side with a little side lighting while it cleans. And you don't have to worry about too much vaccuming (more than 2 spins on a VPI generates a lot of static, whereas the Smart Double Matrix has the the grounded carbon brushes to remove the static after vacuuming.