The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
Salk HT3 is the best speaker I have ever heard or owned. Granted I have not heard a whole lot.
In the 80's a pair of Infinity IRS playing a recording of Holst's Planets. I was astounded and instantly hooked into this addiction!!
It think it was June 1990 in Norfolk Virginia. I walked into my then fav audio dealer and I heard Ray Charles playing Georgia.

I did not right away notice the multi speaker array that was the Infinity IRS system. I was too busy looking for "Ray" who according to my ears was somewhere in the shop playing and singing.

Outside of live music, I had never before or since heard a stereo system produce anything that sounded like that. I will never forget it. And yes it was an LP playing on a Thornes TT/Arm combo using a Shure V15 Micro Ridge.
I posted in this thread about six years ago. Many good choices. I just wanted to add the speaker that really got me started in the pursuit, the Stacked Advent. A friend in college had these in his dorm room with a Citation 16 and 17. Unbelieveable!!! He became my friend because I sought him out by following the music to his door. I haven't seen him in 30 years. Thanks Bob..