Loricraft Record Cleaning

I've put off buying a record cleaning machine for years now, and doing it by hand is just getting old (So am I for that matter). Seems like everyone has an opinion on which machine is best, but nothing really negative on the Loricraft machines.

I'm looking for a used machine if possible, and if someone has one and is tired of cleaning records period, let me know. If you can point me to a solution or have a reason why I'm completely out in left field, that's helpful as well.

Thanks for the input!
Hello - I am receiving a Loricraft PRC-4 today when Mr. UPS arrives.

What are some of the cleaning fluids others have used with this machine? Do you use the spray cleaner that comes with the unit? Do you manually scrub with the brush before using the pump?

I had a VPI 16.5 and used the RRL/Mofi cleaners with some success.

Jcoehler, SMART used to have a detailed "how to use" page on their website.

No cleaner came with my unit, but I have used AudioTop which doesn't work well with the Loricraft as it evaporates too quickly. I have also used Disk Doctor and RRL, which are both okay. The Walker three stage Prelude is clearly the best of what I have used. I do two rinses, however. The last is with the ultra pure water he includes.

I think you will find that records you thought were clean, weren't.
The best fluids for cleaning are Audio Intelligent 4 step (I do a double rinse with their Ultra-Pure Water) and the Walker Prelude System. The other fluids pale by comparison. My good friend who did a comparison of the two gives a slight nod to the AI over the Walker, but I am guessing you won't go wrong with either product.
The Ultra-Pure Water rinse is essential (whether you use AI or Prelude) and well worth the time and money. It makes a major difference.
I also have the Loricraft PRC-4 and it yields a major difference in the sonics for the positive. You have made a decision that you will be happy with for a long time to come.
The Ultra-Pure Water rinse is essential (whether you use AI or Prelude) and well worth the time and money. It makes a major difference.

Agree with Cello 100% - whatever cleaning regimen one adopts, complete it with one, and even better, two ultra pure water rinses. I've found NERL Reagent Grade Water is very effective in this role. Their 5 gallon box can be had on-line for $25+ship.


"I think you will find that records you thought were clean, weren't."

Hi, is this due to your Loricraft or the Walker fluids? Or both? What diff to you hear?

I might want to upgrade my VPI 16.5 soon...

Thanks in advance!
