The Orpheus and the Aritight PC1 are my favorite kings of the hill.
dealer disclosure.
dealer disclosure.
DRT XV1s Vs Orpheus Vs Shelter Harmony Vs 47 Labs
Ouch, the Jubilee comments hurt ;-) Seriously though, it was probably a more reasonable cart back when I had a VPI Scoutmaster and Dynavector P-75 but I've upgraded a bit since then. Anyway, the only reason I excluded the PC-1 was because it's about $1500 more than I can get the XV1s for and I was trying to draw the line somewhere with respect to price. I've tried to search to get a general sense of how the Orpheus would sound relative to the Dynavector, (brighter / darker, more detailed / less detailed, warmer / colder, dynamics, etc...) but haven't been able to find too much. With respect to the Universe/Atmos, again I know people like them but I haven't heard too many people with my table using them. I know that's not the be all and end all but matching should be cosidered I suppose. Also, I thought they were about a zillion dollars, (OK a bit of exaggeration maybe only half a zillion). Price wise, I'd like to stick close to $3K and obviously the lower the better, (should have maybe said that up front). Anyway, thanks for all the info so far. Bryan |
No_regrets - yes, three reviews are on-line. The ZYX Artisan is currently in-house for review and I won't comment in detail until publication, which could late May or June. Suffice it to say it lives up to the ZYX name. Pardon my shamelessness, links are below (if this is too much of a tout, tell me and I won't do it again): ARC PH7 Atma-Sphere MP-1 Artemis Labs PH-1 SirSpeedy - wrt Orpheus break-in I found a corner was turned at ~70 hours and another around 120hrs. From the big Mahler stuff to Fingal's Cave to Mozart Quintets with Grumiaux, the Orpheus is a superb choice. And then there is choral. The Orpheus and the Atma-Sphere MP-1 with some nice '60's Siemens 12AT7s ... no better have I heard on female vocals - from Lucia Popp and Vier Letzte Lieder to Finzi's Intimations of Immortality - from Butterfly to Abbado and Brahm's, the O is It. She drove a Plymouth Sattelite? Faster than the speed of light? She Came From Planet Claire? Yeah, it cooks. Dougy Dougy Dougy - Air Tight PC-1, Universe, Orpheus ... at this strata, there is no best, just taste and ears. ;-) Bryan - send me a note offline saying how you like the Stealth Hyperphono. Thanks! Tim |
Timmy, I didn't understand your comment so I re-read my post, and I still don't understand your comment. Help me out here... My one use of the word "best" was in a doubly qualified sentence, limited to the OP's particular list of cartridges and also to his stated listening preferences, just as you so wisely recommend. I didn't say the Orpheus is the abolute "best" - did I? Nor did I compare it to any of the cartridges you listed. Again, help me out. I want to understand your concern. Bhoage, Sorry if we rained on the Jubilee, but you knew this somewhere in your heart or you wouldn't have asked. ;-) Each of your other analog components is at or near the top class. The obvious next move is to make your cartridge so. At least you'll have fun doing it, whatever you choose. Arm/cartridge matching and cartridge/phono stage matching are both critical, but table/cartridge matching is virtually a non-issue IME. The Orpheus and any ZYX are well known to be excellent matches for your Phantom. Their output and impedance requirements are similar enough so that your Tron should have no problems with either. I believe the Orpheus can be had for ~$3K or a little above, ask some owners if you need a source. (There's a used one listed if you're willing to take that risk.) The Atmos can be had new for $3600 from SORAsound, the US distributor who sells on A'gon. I've had them both in my system but at different times and with notable system improvements in between, so I can't offer a comparison except to say they're both exceptionally good for the sonic preferences you stated. I haven't heard the PC-1. Doug P.S. If you're in the UK, I know a great dealer who sells both Transfiguration and ZYX, and also carries Phantom and Tron! You could probably compare in his shop on a setup very much like your own. |