Is the KAB Fluid Damper worth it if...

...that is the only mod you purchase for a technics 1210? My setup will consist of a 3" maple platform with brass footers replacing the existing ones. I really don't think I could do the rewire myself, and I don't really want to send my turntable into KAB. With just the purchase of the damper would this rig be able to get the most out of higher end cartridges?--Cheers
06-26-08: Tvad
Kevin of KAB sells three isolating devices: Sonic Domes, Sorbothane Boots, and Isonoe Footers.
Yeah. I got tired of equivocating over whether to get Mapleshade Heavyfeet or Isonoe footers, so I ended up spending that amount of money on a Cambridge 640p phono stage instead. Turned out to be a good choice. :)
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anyone buy the super mat from kabusa? is it better than the stock mat for the 1210m5g?


Your M5G should have came with a 17oz X 1/4" rubber mat (Super Mat)
BTW -little tweak- try flipping it over so the smooth side is up for a different sound. The mat will then only contact the platter at the raised rings, amazing difference in sound, better or worse I am not sure, but different.
Kevin at kabusa recommended the thicker mat he sells so am gonna try that too!

Kevin was not convinced that changing the headshell is a great idea especially for a newbie so i ain't doing that for now