Is the KAB Fluid Damper worth it if...

...that is the only mod you purchase for a technics 1210? My setup will consist of a 3" maple platform with brass footers replacing the existing ones. I really don't think I could do the rewire myself, and I don't really want to send my turntable into KAB. With just the purchase of the damper would this rig be able to get the most out of higher end cartridges?--Cheers
Your M5G should have came with a 17oz X 1/4" rubber mat (Super Mat)
BTW -little tweak- try flipping it over so the smooth side is up for a different sound. The mat will then only contact the platter at the raised rings, amazing difference in sound, better or worse I am not sure, but different.
Kevin at kabusa recommended the thicker mat he sells so am gonna try that too!

Kevin was not convinced that changing the headshell is a great idea especially for a newbie so i ain't doing that for now
The big advantage to the thicker, heavier mat is that its extra weight dampens the platter better (and that's one ringy mo-fo). The extra weight also slightly increases the flywheel effect of the platter.

I don't have a supermat, but I *do* has a sorbothane-based Oracle Groove Isolator mat, which weighs about the same. It brought a noticeable improvement in dynamic range and clarity.

As for the headshells, the wire leads on the Technics could bear improving. Most places, the silk-wrapped OFC Litz wire replacements are $20, but they're $15.95 at LPGear.

Kevin has a point, that the Technics headshell is only 7.5g, and you would be hard-pressed to find one as light and rigid on the aftermarket w/o spending a lot more money.

OTOH, the 12g Sumiko (or LPGear ZuPreme) headshell increases the arm's overall effective mass to 16.5g, which provides a better match for many cartridges with a compliance in the range of 10-15. The Sumiko/Zupreme comes standard with those $20 cartridge leads, and provides azimuth adjustment as well.

So if nothing else, the heavier headshell increases the range of cartridges that run well on the Technics.
I owned a SL1210M5G and it doesn't come with the thicker super mat, just the standard one. And when my friend put the thicker mat from KAB on it, the noise floor was lowered.. I highly recommend this upgrade if you aren't ready to do the Isoplate/Herbies upgrade..$$$

AudioTechnica makes some lighter headshells. The big reason you see people change the headshells is for Azimuth Adjustment and to deal with the heavy Denon Carts. The Technics M5G has pretty good OFC copper wire leads.... so this update doesn't make as big of a difference as all the other Technics tables which don't have the upgraded wiring.
I bought 4 3/4 inch washers, they fit right over
the holes for the original feet. The Dayton cones
then fit tight & straight & don't sway at all.