New Lampizator Level 4/ Version 4 DAC in the house

Wonder if any other new owners of this DAC are out there as I find it to be the finest digital playback I have heard to date. This is the first digital front end piece of gear I have owned that has transformed my music.

Ya, other digital gear does this or that better, but this Lampy breaks through to a new level of musical enjoyment. Clear view into the music helping the speakers just disappear. Only 24 hours of break in and the music flows so sweet, intimate and seemingly without boundaries.

Looking under the hood I see an impressive power supply with films caps and several high quality chokes. Point to point silver wired except for the digital and USB boards. This is a three tube player that is tube rectified. One has the option for SS rectification if desired.

Ya, I love this Lampy!
In response to Steve's comment about the Antipodes, I heard one a few weeks ago playing through a Meitner DAC and then through my Lampi L4/G4 at the dealer. Sounded great with both DACs, although I preferred it with the Lampi. But really only had a brief listen, will spend more time with the Antipodes this spring I hope. I certainly value Steve's opinion on the Antipodes.
Regarding AIFF vs WAV, some folks hear a difference and some don't:

It may depend partly on software and relevant settings....
Agear, that was going to be my question as to the dependency on which player is being used and whether a difference is heard between AIFF and WAV.
I think I am in a minority here with my impressions from last summer and choosing Pure Music as the player I found to sound more musical and display more body, if perhaps a slightly "softer" focus. I wonder if there is a time limit before one can try another free trial of A+ and/or Amara after already trying the trial version once? I would like to get a few more things tweeked and then try them again.
Bill, your thoughts on WAV have me curious enough that I plan to take three CDs I am familiar with, rip them in WAV and then compare directly with the same CDs that I already have ripped in AIFF, maybe not today though.
Steve, I was encouraged to hear that improvements can be had by installing the $4K or $6K Plasmatron. I will add that to my to-do list! Oh well, pushing the envelope is a good thing, even if that particular improvement is well outside of my current envelope.
Agear - there are two things that can affect this:

1)if they are using a network streamer, some of these sound identical or very close between FLAC and wav

2) their systems may not be up to the level required to hear the difference

Everyones system is at a different level, so one must take all of these posts with a grain of salt.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio