anti-static record cleaning arm

I have seen these "dust bugs" on ebay and other iterations of the same. LP gear has an "anti-static record cleaning arm."

Have not seen any discussion of these devices in this forum and am wondering if they have any benefit. The prices are certainly cheap enough for a try.

thanks for the responses.

What is the problem with carbon fiber brushes, as I have been using one? If there is a problem I would like to know.
I have a rather sophisticated one made in France called the "Rexon C." Has gimbal/bearings on weighted base, adjustable height and counterweight, "tonearm rest," its head (replaceable) combining a carbon fiber brush and some fluffy stuff, plus a drain wire. It was a gift, so I don't now how much it cost and all the instructions are in French, but I like it a lot. Dave
Dmgrant1, carbon fibre brushes are like using a broom with out a dust pan, you can sweep it around but it is difficult to really pick it up. Most folks slowly wipe it to the side but IMHO I feel it just smears it and the dirt is not so noticeable. The wiping action also creates static that wasn't there before unless it was created the last time you used the brush. IMHO the Milty Pixall is the only dry cleaner that works.
Headshappin, point well taken and makes good sense. Have you tried the Nagaoka rolling cleaner? Don't have a Milty, but they seem to be similar. Where can I get a Milty?