maplenoll apollo---any agon experience

I have the opportunity to purchase an apollo. Interested in any agon experience with this table. it was built by maplenoll in the late 80's. I currently own the maplenoll ariadne and have been very pleased with the results. The apollo, i have heard is similar but has a vacuum system similar to the sota tables. any experience shared would be helpful in my analysis. thanks in advance
O : I have no personal experience with the Apollo.

During my search(s) for maplenoll information I did learn of the following ... Check to make certian the rubber seal used to maintain the vaccum between the platter and the record is not worn , torn or in need of service.That seal was originally sourced from Micro Seiki is no longer available. Therefore, should that seal be torn or otherwise fails, no exact replacement part is available.

I understand that it is possible to construct a replacement seal from a SOTA seal product . Should need further info please email. Oilmanmojo, the Appolo is quite a find.
Is correct the seal is no longer available, having owned
most of the maplenoll tables the Apollo is the best. The one problem even if you create your own new seal is the noise of the vacuum leaking around the spindle. I have
since machined a different spindle to run in an oil bath
bushing and no longer use the seal and the vacuum hold down
option (my seal is also not usable). If a record is really warped, use a hold down ring and center weight same affect no noise. Excellent on the fly VTA adjustment with the Apollo and this table is heavy over 200 pounds as you know.
Great find! You will need to use something like a ring for edge warped records if there are problems with the seal as the virtually nonexistent tonearm will change VTA much more dramatically than with a normal length arm.
O: Have you made any decision on the Apollo? Should you buy it how about posting a few pics? All the Best.
still trying to get the pics of the table and negotiate price. I am very excited about the possibility and you know i will have to show off if I get it. The seller is in illinois and having problems sending me some pics. I will have to make the trip up there because maplenoll tables are hard to ship. I do not want to have to rebuild like i did with my current table. By the way, been busy at work so have not finished my design for the airbearing arm. Still planning on getting it going but just moving slow as usual.