Walker Valid Points or Mapleshade Footers for preamp?

I am looking for place some brass cones under a tube preamp. Is one product better then another for this purposes or does this matter more equipment with more moving parts?
I have had both and they are the same in what they do.

One goes into maple and the other in to a lead based disc. I didn't want lead in my house so I sold the WVP and once I heard the HRS plateforn I sold the MSF.

If you are set on either one of these products I would go with the MSF as they are cheaper and you don't have to deal with the lead in your home.

Glory, I don't know what you mean by "having to deal with the lead" It is coated.

The Walkers with their pucks are far superior to the Mapleshades, but I would agree that there are far better devices. The Halcyonics is so superior as to make everything else sound broken. Second best is the Acapella Silencio base.

Sorry to say coated or not I don't want it in my house. So to understand this is to see me as strange maybe but never the less safe.

I do agree with you that thay are junk comparied to the products we are using.

Superior is the WVP? One into coated lead and one into maple,wow you have good ears my man.

Do you mean to tell me that the WVP is so superior that you could A/B both MSF & WVP and pick out the WVP every time under a tube preamp?