I walked into a dealer and got a shock....

I walked into a local Hi-Fi dealer with what I thought was just a turntable (Reaga P25 with Sumiko Blackbird Cart) needing minor repair. My vinyl sound has been a bit thin and the platter was making a grinding noise at startup and sometimes needing a push to get the platter moving. I described the rest of my system (Pro-Ject Tube Box SE II, Linn Kollektor, Mac MC402, Dali MS5's) and the size of my room (14x16) and the fact that the CD playback (Marantz DV7600)
It was suggested that my system was not matched and basically "too much electronics for a room that size". They recommended I replace the Linn preamp and the Mac Amp with an Audio Research VSi55 integrated (tubes). The price of the AR is about half of what I paid for the items that would be replaced. I understand price does not always equal performance. But I am shocked, especially since I just bought these items. Any thoughts on this suggested combination?
Hi Dave,

I think my post makes it clear that I wasn't stating my own opinion, and not specific to any brand, simply a common belief that the salesman may hold. Just playing devil's advocate with a spoonful of compassionate sugar to balance out the above cynicism. Although it is challenging for a salesperson to be truly objective and altruistic on behalf of the customer, personal integrity pays off in the end. There certainly are dealers who recognize this.
Piedpiper said:

" that you'd get better sound by going for quality rather than quantity...and MAC is not everyones cup of tea." among other things.

You're the first to imply that the Mac isn't good quality and unless one of those "everyones" doesn't include you, you're implying that the Mac has a weakness. I don't think your post makes anything clear. It implies that the saleman may be right, but you provide no basis to support the salesman's remarks.

This hobby, in case you haven't noticed is full of extremely varied opinions. My comments above are intended quite literally. You can try to read into them if you like but I was simply trying to add a little perspective since that is what the poster requested. No harm meant.
i own a rega 25, too. i also get a grinding sound upon start-up...i don't like it, but for the meanwhile, i'm gonna live with it. i also found the rega 25 "thin" sounding until i got an outboard power supply for it...the heed orbit. actually, the rega was still thin sounding after i got the heed orbit, but then i switched out the stock power cord (on the heed) for an after market one and voila!!..the rega 25 isn't inherently thin sounding. the proper upgrades can help bring out the best in it.
It's one of the peculiarities common to our species, that we are always relying on "experts" to tell us what we should like. Moreover: We rely on the same "experts" to TELL US whether or not they ARE "experts."