First used turntable +- $20,000. Any suggestions?

Hi all,

I've been into audio for several years but never ready looked into turntables. Since a few of my friends telling me they like the sound of turntables much much more than CD I might make the switch as well.

Since new is too expensive I will be looking on the second hand market. Could anyone advise me on a superb table that will be max. $20,000 (incl. cartridge, arm etc etc) on the used market? What are the brands to look for and are there particular things I need to watch out for when buying second hand turn tables?

Appreciate your thoughts.
I suppose any tonearm with the wrong table/cartridge could sound "mechanical".

However, across the board I find SME tonearms to be extremely well built (far better than Origin/Rega), neutral, highly reliable, and compatible with a wide variety of cartridges.

I have no association with SME.
My comment was based on my surprise at the sound that was coming out of top of the line SME arm/table combos with stone bodied Koetsu cartridges through Airtight electronics and Sonus Faber speakers; not my own system, but not what I would have expected. Also, I did say "compared to the best of its competitors," which wouldn't include Rega.
Follow up to my previous post.

I sell Thorens turntables and a couple of the most expensive models are available with SME tonearms.

However, I am not an SME dealer and do not sell the tonearms separately.

In fact, I do have an "association" albeit indirect with SME, so please accept my apology for the error.

Dealer disclosure.
A "top of the line" combination of components is no guarantee and/or predictor of any listener's expectations or results for that matter.

You will learn this through more listening experience.
"A "top of the line" combination of components is no guarantee and/or predictor of any listener's expectations or results for that matter."

Of course. It was my expectations for these particular components that precipitated my surprised. All bets are off though when it's not your own system and you can't take responsibility for set up.