New Lampizator Level 4/ Version 4 DAC in the house

Wonder if any other new owners of this DAC are out there as I find it to be the finest digital playback I have heard to date. This is the first digital front end piece of gear I have owned that has transformed my music.

Ya, other digital gear does this or that better, but this Lampy breaks through to a new level of musical enjoyment. Clear view into the music helping the speakers just disappear. Only 24 hours of break in and the music flows so sweet, intimate and seemingly without boundaries.

Looking under the hood I see an impressive power supply with films caps and several high quality chokes. Point to point silver wired except for the digital and USB boards. This is a three tube player that is tube rectified. One has the option for SS rectification if desired.

Ya, I love this Lampy!
Agear, the wallwart on the unit was actually much better than a standard wart as Steve does use/make a good one. The separate Dynamo power supply is much, much better however.

I don't know the science as well as I should regarding jitter, waveform distortion and the like, but boy is my rig smoking good after these last additions!
Wisnon, I have owned some great modified transports and compared to my current computer based front end they sounded average......knowing what I hear now. I will never go back to a spinning disc. I would loose so much. I use the Amarra built in EQ to assure a flat room response. I would loose that. This tool is awesome! I would loose the ability to improve the sound by converting files to WAV and WAV 24/88.

My digital front end, based on my experience, is far superior to any spinning CD transport I have yet encountered. The Lampi, Apple Mac mini, Amarra, Offramp/Dynamo combo is just heaven to my ears. Ya, it costs lots more than your example for sure, so it better sound good.

If I ever need a spinner your option sounds like a great, lower cost one. It does sound interesting.
Sorry for the spelling ......meant lose not loose.

My Lampi dac has Jensen caps and I am close to trying some Duelund CAST caps. Not sure if this is the way to go or not. Has anyone compared both caps in the same Lampi unit?

The Jensen caps are rich, full bodied and so smooth with a touch of warmth. The Duelunds will be more resolving, but I wonder if I will loose the warmth?
You can get close to the Duelands with ~3uFd oil caps combined with .22uFd CUTF caps from I think the non-CAST Duelands would be sufficient. The CAST are best in speaker crossovers.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Hi Bill, I'm pretty familiar with the Jensens and you have described them accurately...they are a "feel good" cap that will make most systems lean to the 'pleasant' side of real. They are very seductive in that regard and even in a generally well balanced [referring to tonal character] system they are difficult to remove once you are accustomed to their sound. I would also recommend them to anyone with a slightly "hot" or "etched" system...perhaps someone with NO tubes anywhere through the signal path and that might lean to a traditional ss sound...these will be ideal.
As for the Duelund cast caps, not only are they more resolving (a good thing) they are also less warm (but still a GOOD thing) because what they REALLY are is utterly natural and realistic sounding.
In my experience I have heard the Lampi L4G4 with Jensens in my system and instantly heard its obvious appeal. Once I almost immediately caught the Lampizator Dac bug I decided to move up and everything I read and heard about the "Big 6" convinced me it was a perfect choice, so I ordered one. As it turned out due to a temporary backlog of Duelunds, I went with the VH V-caps in it and learned about their particular character too. Can you say: Detail, transparency, dynamics...did I mention Detail? They were quite a contrast to the Jensens and I'm sure that in a more 'traditional' and perhaps tube-rich system they would be welcomed with their strengths. But the Duelunds finally arrived and went right in.
Here is what I'll say about the Duelunds (and please remember both my TRL Dude AND TRL GT-200 monos are fitted with them too); "Reality has landed..." Take whatever you liked about the Jensens, whatever I liked about the V-caps, whatever anyone may find as a positive attribute about any of their favorites and distill them all into a perfect blend. What you'll get is what REAL sounds like. That's what they sound like. Real. No excess... no 'lean towards...' No distinguishing flavor... Just real, honest, truthful, natural music as if it was there...or, I should say: as if it was "Here, in your own room".
IMHO do not hesitate to go with the Duelund cast copper caps wherever you can. (Yes, fortunately / unfortunately, whichever way you vs your wallet may see it), their effect IS cumulative with each piece of gear in the food chain.
Remind yourself how seriously better some piece of new equipment really made you feel? I mean a real, significant and obvious advancement in bringing you 'closer to the real thing' YOUR own room?
Do the Duelund(s). You'll feel it again.
My personal two cents. Keep in mind they do need quite a few hours before sounding their best but still sound darn good with barely a hundred. Be patient on up to 400 or more before they're finally at their best and don't be too surprised when a few months go by and you still note subtle aspects of better-than-ever...
Good luck with it and Happy Lissn'n!