Aethetix IO Signature Question

Is it a very musical phono stage?
What I mean by noisy is tube rush when used with LOMC's. Using only tubes for 60db+ of gain is very difficult.
I am sure owners of the IO will chime in giving you some options of NOS tubes to reduce or remove this effect, however with the stk tubes i could clearly hear the tube rush in between songs and during quiet parts of songs.
Radrog, I use the Io with a .36mv output moving coil cartridge, use the stock tubes, and don't experience any material tube noise from my listening seat at my normal listening volumes. But keep in mind, the Io generates 80db of gain entirely through active tube gain stages. This is very challenging, so the quality of the tubes in these gain stages is critical. The stock tubes have always worked fine for me.
Thanks for all the help. I am looking forward to receiving the Signature unit (dealer said 4 to 6 weeks). I honestly believe this unit is one of the best out there just by reviews and your help.

If you care to answer one more question. Would it be beneficial to go all tubes or keep the solid state preamp and monoblocks ?????
Again, I agree with Ruston on the noise issue as mine was also not too noisy with the stock tubes and my Dynavector XV-1s. Sure it has a little tube rush when the music is not playing but I never noticed it when I dropped the cartridge, That said, if you DO want to quiet it down even more, you can place four good Telefunkens 12AX7s in the first gain stage and tube rush will likely be NO problem at all (no need to replace all 12 unless you have the funds and simply want to). I've had mine in for 6 years and haven't had any problems.

Good luck with your audition and let us know your impressions.
