J.A. Mitchell TecnoWeight

Hi folks,

Is it JA Mitchell TecnoWeight a real good upgrade to RB 300 tonearm ? Which is the best wire ( internal and external )to this arm ?

Thank you all,

May I adjust, in the Planar 3, the cartridge force by only using the weight, leaving the traking force in zero ?
Yes you can, but you'll need a stylus pressure gauge to set the tracking force.
What about the bias adjustment ? I also heard that in Rega RB300 is better to leave it in a lower value than the one indicated by the cartridge maker. On the contrary, Rega suggests to keep it in the upper limit...
Bias adjustment on a cartridge? I don't understand the question. Are you talking about anti-skating? Or tracking force?
Thank you for your return. Actually, I have already adjust the tracking force only by using the weight ( setting with a stylus pressure gauge). I felt the sound better..Am I be crazy ?

Mingles, you are right..it means anti-skating....just below the tonearm....Rega uses to call it bias adjusment..


If I were you i would set up tracking force using Rega wheel and then check the accuracy with a stylus pressure gauge. I am really curious how accurate is Rega's tracking force adjustment.
Would you do it for the benefit of educating me and keeping this in a forum's knowledge base?

Thank you.

I have already checked the Rega wheel accurancy by using the stylus gauge and in fact there is a little difference. However, what I am saying, is that I really felt a sound improvement by setting up the traking force using only the weight, keeping the Rega Wheel in zero. I really donĀ“t know the reason why.
The same thing I noticed when I kept the anti-skating in a lower value than the one indicated ( 1,75g ). I kept it in 1g or even less...I am still in doubt about this procedure....
Is your table relatively leveled? Have you checked it with carpenter's level? That might contribute to the change in a sound, just a guess.
I try it on my Rega as well tonight(seting the skate lower).

As far as all talk about Rega wheel being inaccurate...well the rumor was created to (as I expected)justify additional spending.