Anyone Using the Sold Tech Radius

Anyone using the Solid Tech Radius Solo 5 rack? I am considering it; would put my Aries 3 on the top, probably on 4" a maple board or a Gingko. Anyone got personal experience using this equipment rack?

I have one set up for my headphone gear in the study room, completely "upgraded" with suspension kit for every shelf, and isolation feet for the rack.

It's a very nice rack, but support in the U.S. is not that good. This rack is designed to be flexible, so you can customize it to fit your needs, but the North American distributor choose not to sell loose parts. So in the U.S., you can only purchase the basic pre-configured racks.

If you decide to purchase the rack, I would contact the U.S. distributor and try to see if he can help you buy the upgrade kits. If he agrees, it will take at least 5 to 6 months before you will get the stuff. Another way would be to contact Walrus Audio in London and pay a little premium to get them faster. But I think the upgrade parts really help elevate the performance of these racks by a big margin.

I had purchased all the inventory from the previous U.S. distributor a while back. So I've configured several Racks of Silence for audio use, and the Radius Solos will be doing the home theater duty in the dedicated room that I am about to build.


thanks for the feedback. My concern is that I have never actually seen one of these racks in person; the closest dealer that has them is about 275 miles from my house! They look nice in the pictures but I'd be a lot more comfortable seeing one in person.

Let me ask the question this way; would you be comfortable setting an $8,000 Aries 3 turntable on the Solid Tech rack? I am conisdering one of the nice 4" MapleShade maple platforms too; I would set the maple platform on the top of Solid Tech and then place the Aries on top of it.

It should not be a problem. Each board is solid and heavy. It can take the weight without any problem. How much does the Aries weight? How about the 4" maple platform? I would go to and ask the manufacturer directly whether the weight is going to be a problem or not. I would recommend putting something between the maple block and the actual platform, like a vibration dampening sheet. You can get the material at car audio shops or parts-express online.

Thanks; good point. I know that the Solid Tech has a 130lb per shelf limit. I belive that the Aries 3 weighs about 75lbs with the super platter.

Not sure about the maple block. I sent an email to them requesting that info. The maple block comes with 4 "isoblock" footers that go under the block to lift and isolate it from the table-top...