Koetsu Urushi: Blue Sky, Vermillion, Tsugaru

Does anyone have any knowledge or experience about how these Koetsu Urushi models differ in sound? I know the Blue Sky and Vermillion have lower output, and that each have different coil materials, but how does this affect the sound, particularly the sound of the highs?
Dear Warjarret: Here you can read something about:


it is very difficult to find a person that owns or hear both cartridges in his system so maybe the best you can do is to ask to Koetsu and see what opinion they have about.

Regards and enjoy the music.
I want to keep this thread going because I think Koetsu buyers need some way to decide, besides just how their dealer wants to direct them. At the last CES, I asked the USA importer for Koetsu. He said all Koetsu Urushis are built EXACTLY the same way. Maybe in the past there were some coil material and magnet material differences, but not for many years. Only the Vermillion is a little different, by having two coils in parallel (per channel), fewer windings for lower output and different guage wire to keep the coil resistance identical to the other models. He said all models sound exactly the same, with the Vermillion offered for people that particularly want the lower output. The Vermillion requires a high-gain/low-noise MC stage or step-up, whereas the others work straight into most phono stages. So it is really just up to the buyer to choose his favorite color, in these beautiful lacquer finishes.
"Urushi", I believe, refers to the art of lacquer application.
I recently saw a chart comparing the various versions of the Urushi. It seems to agree with what you say. Only the Vermillion is somewhat distinctive. I would buy the Blue, because I like blue. In terms of output, the Urushi is a "tweener". I am not sure it has quite enough output to drive just any MM phono stage, but it does not need much more gain than what is typical for such a stage. It seems popular to bash the Koetsu line these days, but the Urushi still gives me great pleasure, and I now own several other cartridges with which to make comparisons.

Mallet or sledge, Urushi or Onyx,
It matters not which assails my head,
Oh! boundless joy when it stops.

Just for Lew, and only because the OP did ask. ;-)
It is very hard to listen to more than one Koetsu.
You are talking 4000.00+ list per, most stores cannot afford to have more than one setup on a TT. I do not know of any stores that will let you take any cartridges home never mind a Keotsu or a few of them. The cost to set them up just to listen to the differances would not be cost effective. I read lots of reviews and talked with people who have frontends like mine before I desided to purchase mine. Purchasing a cartridge is really a crap shoot. It is like a matress, you do not know till you use it and it also has to get broken in to see if there are issues. IMHO.