I think the Kapton belts run truer around the pulley, resulting in better overall speed stability. In general, any splice will result in some small runout error causing the belt to slightly oscillate up and down the face of the pulley - the Kapton belts solve this nicely. And while I don't have a table in front of me with various moduli of elasticity, I think Kapton is more rigid than Mylar resulting in tighter coupling, less stretch, less loss. Also, remember that we use totally different controller architectures, as well as pulleys, so YMMV. Finally, they couldn't make spliceless Mylar belts, or I would have compared both materials.
Since I'm the one who began exploring the Kapton alternative, I used this company: Blue Lake Products ( While I haven't done any follow up business with them, I also don't know why Thom didn't include them in his list, however knowing Thom, I'm certain he vetted all the suppliers in his list. You can certainly give him a call and ask.
I think the Kapton belts run truer around the pulley, resulting in better overall speed stability. In general, any splice will result in some small runout error causing the belt to slightly oscillate up and down the face of the pulley - the Kapton belts solve this nicely. And while I don't have a table in front of me with various moduli of elasticity, I think Kapton is more rigid than Mylar resulting in tighter coupling, less stretch, less loss. Also, remember that we use totally different controller architectures, as well as pulleys, so YMMV. Finally, they couldn't make spliceless Mylar belts, or I would have compared both materials.
Since I'm the one who began exploring the Kapton alternative, I used this company: Blue Lake Products ( While I haven't done any follow up business with them, I also don't know why Thom didn't include them in his list, however knowing Thom, I'm certain he vetted all the suppliers in his list. You can certainly give him a call and ask.