Ortofon tonearms ,Static and Dynamic - Difference?

I see there are 4 new Ortofon tonearms.

Static tone arms: AS-212-S and AS-309-S
Dynamic tone arms: RS-212-D and RS-309-D


What are the differences sonically and in general use of the Static and Dynamic versions of each??
Dear Downunder: Sonically?, maybe none because both have the same design and internal wiring.

Normally in other Dynamic balance tonearm designs ( other than Micro Seiki ) the quality performance on those tonearms is a little better playing it in static way due to some resonance/vibration on the internal stings for the Dynamic operation, but Ortofon say that they already take care about so maybe there is no " trouble " with that.

IMHO the best choice could be the Dynamic ones that you can run in Dynamic way or static way and in both designs the short ones. No, I never have/had the opportunity to try these new Ortofon tonearms but Ortofon is a manufacturer that have all my respect for its high quality build audio items.

Regards and enjoy the music.
In static arms VTF is adjusted via the movement of counterweight and in dinamyc arms a spring does the job. In theory is better to balance the arm to "0" with the counterweight and then apply the VTF by "other means", but from another point of view there is always the issue of vibration coming from the spring, but Ortofon claims to have solved this problem in this new design...I would say static Ortofons are intented for the heavy SPU range of cartridges and Dynamic for a wider group of brands and models.
If there is enough "real estate" in your turntable...please go 12"
Sorry, I have realised there has been is a mispelling and it is just the other way around: dynamic for SPU and static for the rest