How Many Turntables Have You Owned

As for me... My first that I can remember was a Webcor - part of their Holidy package. then... Garrard, Benjamin Miracord, Dual, Bogen, Thorens TD 124, and 121, Rek o Kut, LinnSondek, Grado, Rega, SME, VPI... I probably have forgotten a few
Just 3 for me the first was a Technics#? the second was a Luxman PD-264 still have in my vintage system, and lastly I currently have a Scoutmaster from VPI.
Right, from earliest to latest...Dual 1218, AR (twice), Thorens 124, Rega Planar 2, Rega Planar 3, Well Tempered Classic, Michell Gyro, VPI Aries I, VPI Aries 3, Sota Cosmos, and Dual 1218 (for playing 78s only). Yeah baby, full circle (sort of).
Two years into vinyl, I've owned three turntables. First was Music Hall MMF-5. Then a Sota Comet III w/ RB300. I now use a Rega P25.
I had a Pioneer with linear arm back in my youth,then recently I bought an Oracle Delphi mk2.As of recent,I am thinking of getting a Teres or going the DIY route and God help...Now if you asked about digital gear,then I got tons.