How Many Turntables Have You Owned

As for me... My first that I can remember was a Webcor - part of their Holidy package. then... Garrard, Benjamin Miracord, Dual, Bogen, Thorens TD 124, and 121, Rek o Kut, LinnSondek, Grado, Rega, SME, VPI... I probably have forgotten a few
Rega Planar 2 w/RB250
Rega Planar 3 w/RB300
Rega P25 w/RB600
Nottingham Spacedeck w/Spacearm
VPI Scout w/JMW9
VPI Scoutmaster w/JMW9
Linn LP12 / Valhalla / Akito
Same with Ittok
LP12 / Lingo / Ekos 2
'70s BIC and Dual
'80s Ariston, CJ Waler (?)
'90s SOTA
'00s Prospect, TR,2 Oracles, Acoustic Solid

Grand Total is 10, but I'd bet I missed 1 or 2

First one was brought back from the U.S. by my grandfather when I was a kid living in Asia. It was the little plastic box with these little plastic discs that plays music. :-)

Second one was a Technic I bought right after high school. CDs were coming in, and LPs were phasing out. Bought one for like $40 (clearance) and an Audio Technica cartridge. Never got to use it.

Third and current one is the Michell Orbe SE + SME V + Shelter 901. Heard an analog setup several years ago at a hi-fi show. My jaws dropped to the ground, so I started down the analog path soon after.

Been looking at my fourth table. But it costs over $10k used. I don't think I'm that crazy yet. Kid needs to go to college in the future....

Since early 70's: AR with AR tonearm, then Transcriptors Reference with Vestigial tonearm, then Thorens TD125 with Keith Monks tonearm then Alfason tonearm, then Sota Star Sapphire III with Alfason at first and then later the Triplanar, then Notts Hyperspace with Triplanar, now Lenco L75 in giant CLD plinth w/Triplanar. Each of these was at least a little better than the one that went before. I may have forgotten one or two that I owned back in the 70s or 80s. Currently also own a Garrard 301 sans plinth and a Technics SP10 MkII also sans plinth. I plan to do a Lenco/Garrard/Technics shoot-out and pick one (or two) to keep.
Lewm, you caused me to remember my Transcriptor with the Vestigial. I never knew anyone else with one. I also forgot my Sao Win turntable.