How Many Turntables Have You Owned

As for me... My first that I can remember was a Webcor - part of their Holidy package. then... Garrard, Benjamin Miracord, Dual, Bogen, Thorens TD 124, and 121, Rek o Kut, LinnSondek, Grado, Rega, SME, VPI... I probably have forgotten a few
Lustre, Micro Seiki 1500, Oracle, Sota, Ariston, B&O, Fons. Sold last in 1990 but got back into vinyl recently. Currently own;
Marantz TT1000II
Kenwood L-OD7
Sony TTS-8000
Denon Direct Drive
Lenco L-77 (two of them)
Thorens 124II (four of them)
Sony TTS-6000
EMT 930
Sony 2250
Stromberg & Carlson
Thorens 126

I like the Kenwood best for sound and the Thorens 124 for looks.
Hi Soren, Do you like your L07D? Since this thread started, I bought one and am using it regularly after having the electronics refurbished and upgraded. I absolutely love it. The tonearm has a lot wrong with it in theory, but sounds wonderful in combination with my Koetsu Urushi (after I carefully cleaned and enhanced all the contacts in the signal path, of which there are too many).
Beinging 54 I owned record player pre 1980. I got back into vinyl around 1998 when I bought a use VPI aries extended. Around 2000 I sold the aries and replaced it with a VPI hrx, what a step up. In 2007 I ended my search with the walker black diamond. To me, it is not how many you have owned but how few you had to go through to get to your final destination. I use to spend all my time on this site going through the adds, now I rarely look. What a relief not to churn. Now if you ask how many vinyl records do you own or buy we have a whole different story. A little off topic.
When i was very young a cheap dual , than the so called " better format" arrived , a couple of cd players including a wadia 581 ( biggest waist of money in my high end career probably only bettered by 2 inch thick cables )
I then found happpines with a VPI scoutmaster sign. (currently) found out that the phono amp is the key.
Some where in jan 2011 i ' ll be getting the newest SME the 20/ 3 A (picture in my system)