This thread is like a group therapy session. I feel much better knowing I am far from the "sickest" one here. I posted here last time in 2008. Since then I sold my Technics SP10 Mk2, bought an NOS SP10 Mk3 and built a plinth for it, bought two Kenwood L07Ds and sold one, bought a Victor TT101 which is currently being re-capacitored. Also, I mounted my Lenco L75 in a PTP'd slate plinth way back in 08 or 09, added a Jeremy Superbearing. I was about to sell my Denon DP80 (which I believe I already owned in 08), found no takers, and at the same juncture bought the TT101 from eBay in "broken" condition. It turned out not to be broken. So now I have SP10 Mk3, Kenwood L07D, Lenco L75, DP80, TT101. Notwithstanding the fact that I have not heard the TT101, the list is probably in order of preference, altho the Kenwood is VERY close to the Mk3, just "different". And I could live with the Lenco alone, happily.