VINYL - 2,200 LP's to CD or Hard Drive - HELP

Someone I know has an extensive LP collection - to the tune of 2,200 lp's which he has had for MANY years, he is 86. He and his wife are interested in freeing up some space and ease the ability to listen to the music on the LPs instead of looking at them.

He wants to get them onto CD - but I am wondering about getting them onto a hard drive storage facilty for him, as he wants to sell the entire collection after. That will be my lovely task, but before - how do I do the above and any experiences would be appreciated.

One by one is obviously the only way to do this - suggestions on CD versus hard drive storage? Are these folks that get paid to do such an event?

I am near SF, CA -

thanks for any and all input.

Ag insider logo xs@2xporschecab
Great suggestions all around - especially the mathematical ones - which makes me realize he is going to have to pick about 50 he likes! There is no way I am going to make this happen and no way he will pay $16,500 (or more) to make this happen, which leaves us one option.

Thanks for all of you efforts, legal and functional.
I will chase down one of the USB turntables and do some for him, but we will just sell the rest.

Thanks for your time - great community!

I would do both. CD's are more of a main stay for now than a hard drive as solid state hard drives may become the norm till the next craze. PC hardware can change fast as I'm sure you know. Take for instance what they are saying about newer OS's and the future of them my be internet based. CD space can be saved by using double sided sleeves, I use them.
this endevor is not a good idea. just sort out the records he doesn't want and sell them. enjoy the one's that are left.
Could you give us feedback on how well those USB turntable (Target sells them) work and sound quality?