Thoughts on a $300-400 cartridge

I'm currently running a Denon DL-160 into the MM section of a new Cambridge Audio 640p phono section. I'm extremely pleased with the Cambridge, and based on what it does on the MM side, I'm optimistic about how it might handle LOMCs with the other input.

So the question is, there are some cool $300-400 carts out there, and I wonder what might be the best for the money.

Here are the candidates:

Audio Technica OC-9 MLII: Lists at $599 but currently available at $299

Audio Technica AT33PTG Prestige at $399

Denon DL-103 (about $250)

Zu-103 ($400)

Denon DL-301 II ($299)

Then there are the Sumiko Blue Point #2 ($299) and BPS EVO III ($399) in the HOMC category

Ortofon 2M Blue ($199--HOMM)

Ortofon 2M Bronze ($350--HOMM)

I have a Technics SL1210 M5G with KAB fluid damper. I've done the math and the resonant frequency with Sumiko headshell and the AT-0C9-MLII would be 10 Hz; the Denon 301 II would come in at about 9.3 Hz, both pretty ideal.
the audio technica AT150 mm ia the best cartridge i've ever used that sells for under 1k. it can be had for around 350 dollars, and rivals literally anything around the thousand dollar mark. i prefer it to their mc's too.
I've had good experiences w/ the AT OC-9ii and the Dynavector 10x5, both in similar setups (SL1210 mk3) as yours.

...lots of really good choices!
I have the same table. Kevin at KAB recommended I give the Goldring1042 a try at $399-. This is a sleeper in this price range, not as fashionable as the Denons but everybit as revealing. The difference is in the liquid mids that the Gring brings which is often overlooked. It is known to go deep into the grooves revealing notes and music that was hidden by others carts. I have been fairly impressed so far. Kevin will give you some help in deciding also, he is a great source of info on these tables. It would be nice to hear what you decide and how it works out.
All the best,