pro-ject speed box 2 , all they say it is ?

i recently purchased a new pro-ject perspective 2 carbon. so far im really loving it. ive read a few reviews saying the speed box makes a great improvement to the sound of the pro-ject tables , though on paper i dont see how it would. ive got pretty clean power, i dont own any 45,s and i like a less cluttered system. and that little silver box would stick out like a sore thumb. but if a 120.00 gadget really does improve the sound that much ill do it. anybody thats tried it please advise, thanks
I've just purchased second hand(£175) a speedbox SE 1 to go with my pro ject perspective 1. I've just been listening to it, then swaping back to no speed box, the more i listen to it the more i like the sound, smoother, more assured, seems to be less background noise, a more solid grounded, deeper sound, bit hard to describe really. Its not been a massive change, more subtle buts its deffinately been enough that if i were to take it back I would always be listening to my deck thinking I was missing something....
I just got the smaller Pro-ject speed box. We tested it with a strobe and the difference was day and night. Not only was it up to speed, but it sounded way better, more coherent and warmer. Don't forget to clean the side of your table and wipe off the belt now and then. It helps a lot.
well it took awhile, but i finally got my speed box 2 purchased and hooked up, and to answer my own question, YES its worth it, everything tightned up and became more focused. while not as much of an improvement as some have listed [ as stated i have pretty clean power at my home] it is clearly an audible improvement and well worth the small investment.
Jrw40, thanks for the report and follow up to your own thread. I'm glad that the Speedbox is working well for you.
