The Best $10,000.00 Table + Cartridge

I need some help to buy the best sounding table + cartridge with $10.000.00, i can go a little over just in case.
Read the stereomojo review on the Raven One and see if you don't become obsessed, like i've now become, with owning one.

w/o knowing anything about your system, my other obsession right now is Mike Elliot's new Aria phono/line pre.
I can't tell you what to do however, I can tell you what I would do:

Option #1

Galibier Serac/Artisan Tonearm/Dynavector 17d3....$4,600
Loricraft PRC 3 RCM (Currently on sale)...........$2,370
Art Audio Vinyl One...............................$2,400

Total = $9,370

Good luck!
Like Kublakhan, after reading the review and actually hearing the Raven One + Graham Phantom combination at a friend's house I had to have one!

So I now have the Raven One + Graham Phantom + Dynavector XX2 on order! Given the demand, I don't expect delivery until September but I know it is going to be worth the wait. Total package was a little over $10,000 but I am looking at this as my last table/arm.

It is at least worth your time to give Jeff Catalano a call at High Water Sound. He is a great guy, very knowledgeable and could put together a Raven One package for you (arm + cart) within your budget.

You have to be nuts including a VPI Aries 3 in a $10K turntable/tonearm/cartridge combination.

i'm somewhere in with jazdoc. you can go a LOT of ways though. The vintage route is getting over priced but then so is the high end route. You could get a thorens 124 and a 3009 arm and a custom plinth too. I would reccomend a galibier as thom nt only builds great stuff but is good at finding things in your price range to help out.

the vinyl one is a cool stage but not for everyone!