Rega P5 W/RB700 Cartridge Match / Mate ?

OK, I love analog but I am a plug and play individual. 2 questions
Have a Rega P5 with the RB 700 and for now I have the Dynavector 20XH which is 2.8mv. I use MM on my Phono Pre.
I do have the outboard power supply for the Rega.

Question: 1 The internal wiring is Klotz what ever that is. I read about the Incognito Wiring and wonder?

Question: 2 I will keep the 20XH in place for now as I am getting a new Phono Pre next week and really want to hear it the way it is. I like change, or at least to try other cartridges. What cartridge is a good mate for this arm?

I read all these specs and after done reading I still don't know any more. I think it's a audio brain lock when it comes to analog.
I don't want to take out a loan on this cartridge so lets keep it 1000.00 or under. ( give or take ) a little.

I do like the Dynavector sound but I am not married to it.

Suggestions would be appreciated, "Incognito - Cartridge"
I have an Exact 2 on my P5/RB700, and after the break-in period, I have no complaints. It sounds great, especially compared to others at that price point - don't think you could do better for the money.
08-02-08: Learsfool
I have an Exact 2 on my P5/RB700, and after the break-in period, I have no complaints. It sounds great, especially compared to others at that price point - don't think you could do better for the money.
It doesn't have Rega's nifty 3-point mounting/alignment system, but at $259, IMO the Audio Technica AT150MLX is serious competition for the Exact, and unlike the Exact, you can replace the stylus for $179.95.

Still, I agree with you that once it's broken in, the Exact has a very musical, enjoyable presentation and is of course an ideal match with the RB series tonearms.
Johnny and Lears,

My Exact has been mounted on both a stock RB300 and a modified RB250 on tables from Acoustic Solid and Transrotor, respectively. In both cases I used the 3 point mount to set overhang. The phonostage is a Rhea which allows optimal loading which I made some effort to identify. I'm pretty confident that this set up was a very good fit for this cart, but that is not to say that it was, by any means, perfect. It was, however, the best I could do in my system, and that is probably more than most as the arms are a natural fit (both from Rega) and because the Rhea is unusually flexible in this regard.

IME the sound was on the "dry" side compared to 4 other carts I've used extensively over the past 3 years - The Graham Nightingale and Lyra Dorian which are both much more expensive than the Rega, and an unidentified OEM Ortofon HOMC that came with the TR table as well as a Clearaudio Wood. In my various set ups, the Rega was the most analytical sounding cart of the lot.

I want to note it is a good sounding unit. But I differ with both of your opinions on this one: For my taste, the Ortofon is a better value because the Rega was a bit too analytical. This is my taste and my experience - certainly not the last word on the subject because, as always, YMMV.


Bear in mind that by the time you approach your $1k limit on the cart, you'd probably be better off upgrading the table/arm.
Martykl, I don't dispute or doubt for a moment that you heard what you heard. I wrote what I wrote to indicate that although the Exact might be detailed and analytical to some, and in many situations, I heard it in a setup where it sounded detailed but lush. That doesn't mean it sounds predominantly lush, only that it *can* sound lush.