Feickert analogue protractor....Owners impressions

I'm contemplating the purchase of this brand of protractor.

Over the years I have relied on a good friend to mount cartridges and set up the few tables that I have owned in the past.
Relying on someone else to do this was for good reason.

I would never make it as a watch maker or any other profession that requires a fine touch and skill with steady hands.
The time has come where I will have to do this totally on my own.

My question to you owners of the Feickert protractor is what is your experience with it regarding ease of use and accuracy compared to other protractors?

Secondly, the disk has strobe markings for speed set up, does the Feickert package come with a strobe light for the $250. selling price?

I asked these question of a dealer sent via a e-mail and have not received a reply as of yet.

Thank you for your replies.
Does anyone who has the Graham Set up jig think they get better results with a protractor than the jig?

I recently got the Feikert adjust plus software turntable setup tool. Havent set up a cart yet.
I bought mine a year ago. I've been setting up turntables since the late 1970s. The Feickert is just great - the easiest protractor I've used.

Excellent tool. I would definitely buy one again. I've used it to set up my Dynavector XV-1s on my Phantom and it works like a charm, (as well as other carts on other arms).

I don't know what the hell I may have been doing wrong with the Graham jig but I got far superior results with the Feickert mounting the dyna on the phantom.

Easy and accurate.
More happy owners of the Feickert.

Over and above any review,in print or on line.
I value actual owners opinions of any given component and or product, be it a lawn mower or a pair of speakers.

Emailists I hear ya.

Most definitely I plan on installing a second arm on my table with a mono cartridge.

Of course I could buy another arm tube for the Graham, however a 12 incher would be my preference for a 2nd arm.

About a third of my record collection consist of vintage 1950s and early 1960s mono Jazz recordings including some early mono Rock and Roll.
Many are lightly used and in pristine condition.

Some of them have shocking natural sounding timbre that I would put against ANY reissue or NEW recording of today.

Upon initial set up, with ease of use.

If this tool helps dial in my arm and cartridge without going through nerve racking hair pulling tedium, the $250.00 will be well spent.
Just thought I'd mention this.

I noticed on DaVinci Audio web site a Feickert protractor comes with Davincis Grandezza tonearms.