Feickert analogue protractor....Owners impressions

I'm contemplating the purchase of this brand of protractor.

Over the years I have relied on a good friend to mount cartridges and set up the few tables that I have owned in the past.
Relying on someone else to do this was for good reason.

I would never make it as a watch maker or any other profession that requires a fine touch and skill with steady hands.
The time has come where I will have to do this totally on my own.

My question to you owners of the Feickert protractor is what is your experience with it regarding ease of use and accuracy compared to other protractors?

Secondly, the disk has strobe markings for speed set up, does the Feickert package come with a strobe light for the $250. selling price?

I asked these question of a dealer sent via a e-mail and have not received a reply as of yet.

Thank you for your replies.
I agree with Stringreen that the VPI jig should be adequate provided that it is straight. My problem with the supplied jig is that it is not. No matter how I try to slightly bend it, it never seems to be uniformly flat on the platter. This, I think, would have to throw off the results. I'm sure VPI would send me a new jig but I think one advantage of the mintLP tractor is that it should lay more flat. It is made of glass, right?
How does the Mintlp compare to the Wallytools? I have access to the wally for my arm and wondered what the differences are between the two?
To Sonofjim,
Yes, the Mintlp is made of glass.The only thing I can say to the nay-sayers is that I am happy with the way my vinyl rig sounds now, I know without a doubt set-up couldn't be any better, and that fact is directly reflected by how it sounds. That's all I need to know.

Regards to all, enjoy

go back and read the posts by Palasr on the first page of this thread. He has compared the Wally and the MintLp protractors.
I'm in the process of orderring a best tractor from mintlp for my 10.5i arms. The time difference is delaying comunication somewhat but I look forward to trying it. Thanks to all for your input on this thread. I would never have thought to try this without the comments I've read here.