Krell KPE vs. Aesthetx IO Sig.

I have been breaking in my new Clearaudio Goldfinger on my all Krell system. My question is as follows.

The KPE is dead quit. Is the Aesthetix going to be an upgrade or did I make a mistake in the puchase of the Aesthetix? I have not recieved the new phono yet.

Roger Busby
Radrog, as I mentioned to you in another thread, a friend had three KPE phono stages that he loved (on three different turntables). Then he installed an Aesthetix Rhea in his system to see what difference there might be. The KPEs disappeared from his system never to return. The Aesthetix Io Signature is yet another level removed from the Rhea.
I am looking forward in receiving the IO. Then I will have the second Golden Grail.
With the highish output Clear audio - noise should not be an issue - only music.

A few more days. There is a IO sig on here for sale cheap... I already bought mine new.