Technics sp10 mrk2 or SL-1200mrkII

Hello. I am interested in getting a TT. I have not had one in quite some time. In talking with someone whom I respect, I was pointed in the direction of the sp10 mrk2. A friend of mine has an SL-1200mrkII. I know that I can get that from him without any issue. I also know that they are both direct drive tables. Is the sp10, leaps and bounds ahead of the 1200?
Thanks for any thoughts.
Thanks for the reply. In my research I saw that KAB site. I would be willing to mod it. Like I said, I may be able to get a great deal on a 1200 so I don't mind putting a little extra into getting it to sound as good as it can. Thanks again for the input.
A virtually unused (they claimed) limited edition (3000 pieces) Gold Technics 1200 just sold on ebay for $500. That's a great price on a table that can only rise in value over the years and less than what it sold for new. Another one on ebay sold for over $1200 just last week so there are good deals if you look.
The SP-10MKII is a better table in my opinion than the 1200. I have had both and now own an SP-10MIII. But the 1200 is a very good player in it's own right and does have the ability to adjust VTA while playing a record as well as being complete.
Thanks everyone. I think I might try and get a SP10MKII down the line. I am sure they will pop up every now and then. I have this philosophy of trying to limit regret. It's tough with this hobby, but I have done pretty good so far. If the 10 is a better table then that is the one I will get.
Dear Mikeduke: +++++ " If the 10 is a better table then that is the one I will get. " +++++

It is not only a bettter TT but you can choose the best match tonearm for your cartridge.

Regards and enjoy the music.