Denon DL-103 vs. DL-160?


I have a Technics SL-1210M5G with a Denon DL-160 cartridge and quite happy with the combo, however, I'm itching to try another cartridge. I have read good things about the Denon DL-103 and can acquire one at a relatively reasonable price.

What would I gain or lose switching from the DL-160 to the DL-103? Are there significant differences between the two cartridges aside from output level? I'm interested in the sonics and soundstage.

Thanks and regards,

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I'm curious, if one removes the 103 from the stock body and puts it into a different body, how does that affect the formula?

Do you simply weigh the difference of the two bodies and adjust?
James, the compliance remains the same. The weight difference plays a minor role in the final resonant frequency. Plug the numbers in and you'll see.
How do you figure the DL-103 is a better catridge than a DL-106? Aside from the DL-103 being a low output, it's a conical stylus design which is far from ideal, compared to the eliptical design of the DL-160.
I have heard both and the Dl 160 has much better depth and sounstage. You might prefer the Dl-103 if you like a foucused, almost two deminsional sound.
Never have gotten the enthusiasm for expensive conical, heavy trsacking designs, perhaps for shellac discs.