I have heard the Titan-i with two different arms.The linear tracking/air bearing Air Tangent arm,and most recently the 12.6 inch VPI arm....
I originally felt the VPI arm was "not so hot",but apparently there are some set up issues which "definitely" allow this arm to perform very well!Apparently some very well schooled hobbyists "went to work" on my friend's arm,and "really" did some amazing things,because it is allowing his system to "bowl over" anyone lucky enough to be exposed to it these days.
As to the Titan-i's performance envelope....which I have become quite familiar with on program material consisting of much jazz,and even more-so a good dose of classical LP's...The usual suspects,with some eye opening surprises thrown in.
It "is" a fabulous cartridge!!.....I would not have the slightest hesitation to own this cartridge,if it were on my radar.If you can get a good price,and you lean to this cartridge...Go for it!!
I believe(opinion only)that one of the cartridge's greatest strengths is in the area of tonality and full bodied textures.Coupled with really good dynamic slam,and superb inner detailings,this is a stunning cartridge!!....Over the entire frequency range!
I own a superb Transfiguration Orpheus,and love it,but having SO much exposure to the Titan-i, and with your original question asking about it's performance, I've got to be honest,and state that this is one cartridge you can buy,and "forget about what's coming down the audio pipe-line".... for a LONG time!!
Hope this helps with the cartridge decision.