Systemdek IIX possible upgrades help needed.

Hi! I have a Systemdek llX table with a Alphonson Opal tonearm pair with a Rega Exact Cartridge. I was planning on buying a new table to upgrade but after much research found I proably wouldnt get much more performance in the table upgrade I could afford which was in the 1200 hundred dollar range. With that said in which direction would I stand to get the most performance in a upgrade. The table has the glass platter & a felt pad with no clamp. Should I upgrade the cartridge & matt? If so what is a good match for the Opal arm? The way I understand it the Opal is a very fine tone arm. Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers Deanna
Hi! Thank you very much for all the response & info. It was very appreciated. I have decided to upgrade the Systemdek. I have found a Rega RB250 upgraded via Origin Live. The Lexan platter I'll get right from audio note. I have also found a used Goldring 1024. The Goldring has about 300 hrs of use. A question on the Goldring is 300 hrs of use alot in stylus life? For those who wanted to know my phono stage, its a MM only that was a upgrade to my Linn Wakonda preamp. Again, Thanks to everyone for the help and a super big thanks to Mark. Super big thanks as I'm taking Marks advise on this table.

Cheers Deanna
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Get a mechanics stethoscope and listen to the motor while adjusting the bolts that fix it to the mount. I have found there is a sweet spot. Also you can get new motors. if you need one let me know.

Other upgrades you want to do
I have tweaked the unit by apply Dynamat to the - plinth, suspension members, motor, motor mount and arm board. The difference can be heard with a stethoscope. (I applied a reasonable amount to the suspension parts - didn't want to add too much weight. Additionally I have taken the bottom panel off and removed the foam from the springs and cleaned them and applied talcum to the rubber bushings.
Remove bottom and leave off
Remove foam from inside springs
Get a new platter - acrylic - this will let you use a record clamp - weight
Don't use Grado cartridges - not shielded - motor noise
Use a good bubble level with a flat record in place not the platter. (Platters can be concave)
Make sure to clean and oil the spindle bearing (I use synthetic motor oil)
Make sure to use both grounds and tie them together. The one for the arm and the one to the little bolt/nut on the back of the unit
I've had my Systemdez IIX for about ten years now. In the past I've had all manner of turntables - Garrard 301 and 401, various Thorens, a Linn Lp12, a couple of direct drives... and a huge number of arms and cartridges - SME 3009 and 3012, Decca, Linn, Moth arms and Ortofon, Decca London, Audio Technica, Shure... And the best sounding combination I've found so far is the Systemdek with a Rega RB300 arm and a Sumiko Blue Point moving coil cartridge. But that combination only really works if the deck is set up accurately, on a solid wall mounted shelf. The Systemdek is VERY sensitive to vibration - either mechanical or airborne. Personally I prefer the original glass platter and lambswool mat and I reverted to that combination after trying a Lexan platter and various combinations of mat. I don't use a clamp (and nor should one be used with the glass platter). In my opinion the Sumiko Blue Point moving coil cartridge is the absolute budget buy of the millenium (both this and the last!). It has an output that is just about enough to drive a moving magnet phono stage but works best into the MC input on my NAD 1000 pre-amp. The Systemdek needs to be set up correctly - level, with the suspension accurately balanced and with a decent earth connected to the tag on the rear panel (in addition to the arm earthing). Removing the foam dampers from the suspension springs and applying small pieces of sound deadening felt to various points on the sub-chassis is often recommended but I've tried that and can hear no difference. I've also experimented with various mods to the RB300, again with very little audible difference (but considerable expense!!!). I think that Dunlop got it just about right in the first place and so for very little money you get a decent 'out of the box' turntable that can be tweaked and upgraded, and that comes very close to matching the performance of the Linn LP12 for a fraction of the cost.
In my experience, in terms of purchasing "tweaks", I found that a non-felt mat topped by a SOTA Acrylic Supermat gave an order of magnitude improvement over the felt: certainly in terms of detail and noise floor. I've not heard the Systemdek arm but my RB300(Elys2 cartridge) with a Cardas re-wire and a Pete Riggle Brass counterweight made the Profile arm/Grado Green my IIX came with, a pile of...

But the greatest improvement was investing in a HEED power supply. This made the IIX it SO close to an LP12 Valhalla/Ittok/Koetsu Black it's staggering (I know because I have recordings from my old LP12 to compare with on metal tape); just a slight loss of inner detail and Bass "slam".

Interestingly enough the BASIS turntable dealer whom I purchased the HEED from, considered the Systemdek IIX would be a $2000+ turntable(w/o arm!) today! Talk about inflation! Selling the Profile made the cost of my 'dek $250! The Analog OPPO!