Best cartridge for modded Technics 1200

Hey everyone!

I recently purchased a heavily modified Technics 1200 MKII on advice from some audiogoners... The cartridge that is mounted on my arm (which is an RB-600 with cardas re-wire) is getting a bit old--its the Rega Exact 2.

I'd like to upgrade, but I'm wondering at what point cartridges eclispe the capacities of my TT.

I've heard that Dynavector (10x5) cartridges work well with Rega arms, but I was thinking about the Shelter line (501) as well (which I've read good things about). These are all about the 'mid' of my price range.

What about $1000+ish carts? Would mounting something like the 47 Labs cartridges or a low-end Koetsu make any sense on this table?
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I'm in the same boat having just purchased here a SL1200 with the KAB tonearm damper. I like what I've read about the Audio-Technica AT150mlx in terms of price/performance and output (not wanting the expense of a step-up) and am leading in that direction.

But I'm curious, has anyone had any experience with the Stanton 890LE that KAB is now selling?? It's less expensive than his S30 (which I've heard is not as good as the AT150) but I like the high output (I'm running a passive preamp) and am wondering how good it might be.

07-20-08: Gadfly
Johnnyb53, I heard those AT carts are peaky, bright. You should check out the Ortofon 2M's. I have the 2M Black and I love it.
Mine isn't peaky. I have no tolerance for peaky, and even if I did, my wife would let me know. In fact, I've always been able to gauge whether the treble is dialed in by how my family behaves when the music is playing. If the treble has glare or is edgy, they get loud and irritable. When it's right, they calm down. I read a review in Sensible Sound that observed that the plastic-bodied AT440MLa had an upper midrange peak, but not the AT150MLX, which the reviewer felt was very neutral and linear, but had plenty of dynamics, trackability, and separation.

Actually, in spite of its trackability, linearity, and higher level of detail over my DL-160, I'd describe the sound of my AT150MLX as lush. Lush in the sense that the details enrich the musical picture rather than distract the listener from the music. My current setup conveys a connection to the music as I've never had before in my home system.
I have Shelter 501 MK II on mine (it's KAB modified table).
If you were to use Sumiko headshell with Shelter, you'll discover, that the hight of Shelter is not enough to have proper VTA. I ended up using Isoplat mat on a top of Technics thick rubber mat and also a spacer b/w cart and the headshell- only then VTA falls into acceptable adjustment range. Also, Sumiko is heavier, than OEM headshell, so you'll have to use aux. counterweight.
In terms of performance, Shelter is a very good cart without a hint of brightness and sibilance, very resolving and musical as well.I feel quality of KAB- Technics is high enough to serve as adequate platform for Shelter 501 MKII- level of carts.
With respect to the post above, regard. feet for SL 1200-
after switching from stock feet to Audiopoints (Starsound Technologies), I firmly believe, that this table will benefit greatly from rigid coupling system, and de-coupling (suspension)is simply contrindicated (as long, as your floor is concrete, as mine).
Tvad, I thought you meanty you were using the Technics jig. That poor molded thing. I am willing to humble down and try setting up that 160 again. I may gain something by trying it .... but I doubt it. ;-)

Johnnyb53, I know that the Technics likes a more energetic cartridge. I just tried the Benz-Micro MC20E2-L and even using a SUT it was a little steely. But then again it had an elliptical stylus. With what you say about the AT440MLa I think I really might be on the right track with retipping the 160 with a fine line.