Recommendations For New Table/Arm Under $4k

Greetings All-

I'm in the midst of reconfiguring my system and I'm interested in your recommendations for a table/arm combo in the less than $4k range (new). I have a Shelter 90x cartridge from my last analog rig and an EAR 834P that I had modded by Great Northern Sound Company that I will be using as my phono section. I've previously owned a VPI Scout and a Basis 2500 Signature. I'm looking for that best bang for the buck table...

Pro-ject has lowered the mass substantially (it's not zero) with magnetic repulsion.

With magnetic repulsion the designer has to account for vibrations within the platter. Otherwise all that energy is going to wind up in the tonearm and you will hear it in the speakers. I'm beginning to understand why you insist on springs under your table.
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Tvad, as I've said several times before, I thought that the Serac with the recommended arm pairing was $4600. The company's web site doesn't give any pricing info so I searched around and found a couple of references to $4600, so that's what I thought it cost with a "decent" arm. ("Decent" meaning what the marketer recommends).

Apparently that was either a different arm or you know of a lower price. It's that simple, nothing mysterious. If their web site clearly stated prices I might not have gotten confused.

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Thanks. How could I miss that? I retraced my steps and I was looking around on the "Order" page and saw references to the Euro/$ exchange rate and delivery backlog estimates, but no pricing. I guess I got waylayed in scrolling down the "Serac" page by clicking on the "Bearing" or some other button before I got low enough on the page.

Unlike Bill, I'm not constantly in the market for a TT, but I'll give another listen at this year's RMAF. Maybe the room will be more helpful this year.
