Triplanar madness I tell u, madness


From the first few seconds I knew it was going to be incredible. Triplanar Vll and ZYX UNIverse.

I could not listen to a full song, let alone a full album side.

Maybe I can lower the VTA a little, oh ya, now I need to recheck VTF, but wait, I lost the focus, oh ya, I forgot to re-tighten the VTA adjustment screw, why is there more music coming from the right speaker as opposed to the left, of ya, forgot to re-adjust the anti skate. I gotta go to home depot and get those o-rings. There we go, focus is back. let me check the downforce again. WAIT WAIT WAIT, I only have two hours on the cartridge.

My wife is right.......IDIOT is my petname.

Come On, Come On, when will the 25 hours of play be up. Sh^)^(*, I have to go to sleep. Maybe it will rain tommorrow and I won't be able to go to work (Roofing)


I was married to an Italian once. She was like listening to Heavy Metal music ( I hate HM ) when she was mad. Lots of anger, darkness, violence, screaming, foaming at the mouth etc... you know just like the HM groups. This was no folk music I am sure. She was 220V and in a minor key ( I hate minor keys, depressing ) with an endless note. Like listening to digital playback making you want to run out of the room.

If that is all your wife calls you is an IDIOT you are doing real well.
Loss of focus would occur if one channel is 180 degrees out of phase with respect to the other channel, but probably not if both channels are in-phase with each other, regardless of whether they are also in phase with the music, whatever phase that is.
see you got another universe. did you get the copper coils? i really love the one you sold me. If you got the copper coils, what was the difference between the silver coil