Any cheap tweaks for cheap turntable?

Hi A few days ago I found a package deal of 2 Stanton str8-30 'tables and a mixer for $100 cash. Obviously it is a beginner DJ system. Because my Dual 1237 is in the shop and might never get out, I jumped on it. I hooked it all up once with the mixer's preamps and once with the trusty radio shack. It sounded ok as I haven't listened to lp's for years. I'm just wondering if there is anything I can do to upgrade this cheaply as I would just get a lot better TT if I wanted to spend much more money. I only have about 50 albums that are not on cd so this isn't the start of something big. I'm considering getting one of those things that let me record my albums on the computer so I'm not going use this TT a long time. So if there is anyone out there who has gone through the same thing, what would you suggest?

I agree, except that the single alternative response that you got was to buy a turntable that cost four times what you have spent up to this point. There may be a better player than the Rega that can be had for the same $100 that the Stanton stuff cost you. A Dual 1019 is very musical for the price, tracks well with typical moving magnets, and is reliable. It's worth a look-see, I believe. I also believe it will outperform the Rega. (I own both a Rega and a 1019.) You may also be able to pick up a used lower-level Denon for slightly more, too. Your Dual 1237 may be in the shop, but there is a lot of used stuff around that will serve the purpose for very little money. A Thorens TD150, maybe?
Believe me, neither Ed nor I are extremist cork-sniffers. In fact, a few years ago Ed stood alone in high end audio journalism advocating for the virtues of the audiophile-snubbed Technics SL1200 mkII.

But a DJ table with a stubby tonearm is another matter. A tonearm that short with no tracking angle compensation could ruin the playability of your LPs (no matter what they've been through up to now) with one play.

Another alternative would be to get this turntable. It's inexpensive, extremely durable, won't wreck your records, has a built-in phono preamp and comes with a USB interface to digitize your LPs, and since most places sell this same turntable *without* the USB interface for $300-350, you could probably recoup almost your entire expenditure when you sell it.
Johnnyb53- Thanks If I can dump this package for what I paid for it, I might go for your suggestion. The problem right now is I'm looking at buying a dac and then a tuner preamp and my available funds are disappearing quickly. So it depends upon a lot. But thanks so far for all the info. Dan
How good of a DAC and tuner/preamp are you looking for? I see used Adcom GTP-350's (a tuner/preamp) every once in awhile for less than $60. How do you plan to use the DAC?