DV-09 DAC? Dennon integrated DAC? External DAC?

First, please let me introduce myself as new to the Audiogon community.

My background,
in my previous life I was a high end Mobile Electronics Technician, I have an ear for quality audio (obviously 12 volt has it's limitations and more so very limited environment), but none the less have a high appreciation for quality sound.

My setup,
Denon AVR-1613 (integrated amp), Pioneer DV-09 (cd player), Klipsch KF-26(floorstand), KC-25(center Channel), KS-14(surround), Polk PSW-8 (sub) <--- horrendous port noise, will be replaced soon

Obviously a starter system, but outstanding for the money in my opinion. Purposed as both 5.1(obviously) as well as my 2.1 music rig.

Moving on, for the purposes of this thread, we will speak of the Dennon integrated amp, Pioneer DV-09, and Klipsch KF-26.

This entire rig is currently in storage as I am between apartment and homeowner, The Pioneer DV-09 is yet to be heard as it is soon to deliver. (previously using a samsung bluray player who knows the model) as my cd player.

That said, from what i have read i am thinking of using the DV-09 as transport only and going for an external DAC.

The Question.

My components considered, is it worth it to spring for an external DAC? If so does anyone know what wont break the bank that is of high sound quality, or am I looking for better sound in the wrong places? ($500 and under or so DAC)

Am I better off investing in a higher end integrated amp?

I am looking to eventually move into something like the Klipsch Reference RF-7ii for a dedicated 2.0 rig.

Considering the possability of a future dedicated 2.0 rig, should I head in the direction of preamp and amplifier? (which would obviously mean running DV-09 to Dennon integrated in one or the other configuration for the time being)

Assuming I don't purchase an external DAC, am I better off running the Dennon's on board DAC, or run analog to the Denon from the DV-09? Obviously I will play with both when it is all reunited in my new home.

Again, this rig may seem laughable in comparison to many of the high end compilations of this forum's community, but it is what im currently able to afford and again, in my opinion quite good for the money invested.

I look forward to your thoughts and opinions.
I would focus on putting some thought into getting the best speakers you can afford, then building up the other components to that level over time. Give thought to the speakers in terms of what direction you want to take your system (sensitivity, type of music, detail vs. warmth, etc.) I don't think sub 500 dollar dac will be a big improvement on the cd transport and you will likely move to a different dac when you start building the system. That said, if you want to focus on the dac, audio engine is a good low price one, and the schitt are well regarded if you want to use a USB. Enjoy.
The DV09 is an excellent transport. It won't play CDRs though. I would do one of the following: 1. Spring for a decent DAC. You would be hard pressed to find some other unit to beat that DV09 as a transport. 2) Purchase a Pioneer Elite BDP09. This unit has an internal DAC system that can seriously compete with the best external DACs. No kidding. I have compared it as a transport and CD player/DAC with several external DACS in the $5000 range and it is right there in sound. The BDP09 which I use as a transport only for CD playback ( I have an Audio Research DAC 8 which is excellent and don't let anyone tell you otherwise). But the BDP09 is very close as a CD player/DAC.

So, get a decent DAC for the DV09 or buy a used BDP09 and use is as a CD player. You won't regret it. Most people replace the BDP09 because as a blue ray player although it is one of the best, it loads discs slowly. Which I really can't care less about.

The DV-09 was great in its day. You really need to try both the blueray and the digital out to the denon against it. The 09 is probably 24/96 quality only. Due to the 09's age, I wouldn't spend much trying to upgrade its sound.

You really need to play all together first. If you are heading 2 channel, you may end up changing everything.

The sub is definitely undersized to handle the work for your system. Turn the volume on it down to reduce noise or just plug the port.

If you have $500 to spend or $5000, the best route is to listen to as much as possible first and see what you want most that you are missing. Then come back to the forum. However, since you are already set up for theater, why not keep it running but improve the amp and/or speakers. The denon should have preamp outputs?