Triple deionized water for cleaning lps ?

I've seen several references to triple deionized water used in combination with pure lab grade alcohol for cleaning lp records, but I've been unable so far to locate a place that sells the water. Can anyone help ? Thanks very much.
Opus88, you may want to ask Albert Porter about his experiences with record cleaning fluids. some of the solutions he has worked with lately are astonishingly effective in removing the subtlest particles of ancient schmutz. . . As you may have guessed. . . I am a bleedin' skeptic to start with , but the sonic results I heard at his place last month were not at all subtle.
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Guess I'm just looking for something that does a good, but not near perfect job of cleaning. I don't particularly care to go through a half-dozen "tender loving care" steps, nor do I want the kind of "rolled off highs" and darkened sound I experienced several years back while sampling some of the popular market brand solutions. I've got some local numbers for what appear to be chemical outlets, and will check out their offerings. Thanks all.
Hi Opus88, what I witnessed was an extremely simple single step process. . . and trust me, there was no reduced dynamics nor bandwidth. . . we went from a 'cute legacy sound with quaint compression'. . . to 'oh wow!' G.
By far the best groove cleaning machines regardless of water as long as it is distilled once without any other issue and clean works miracles I am referring to the Monks type RCMs.
The second best is the sacrifice a cheap cartridge stylus method. Run the record with the no sound on a cheap TT. Use an eliptical cartridge AT makes some cheap ones outfitted with a good "needle". The stylus goes into the groove of course and grabs the schmutz as Corona says. Unfortunately once is not enough. Do it three times, then finish with a velvet brush and any cleaning solution and rinse you have. I am not kidding, you are saying that the record is damaged using this method. I argue not so brother.