Zyx Airy 3 Cartridge into Herron VTPH-1 Phono..

I would appreciate input from Audiogon members who have this setup.. I am interested in your experience and results with cartridge loading. (soldered in resistors)

Thank you.
Do you have the the MM or MC version of the Herron? The MC version will have a small circuit board connected to the input jacks. This board will have tag posts to connect the resistors. I question if the MM version has sufficient gain for a .24mv cartridge.
I do have the MC+ version Herron, so .24 is fine..

I put in the 100 ohm resistors and the sound has literally come alive. It sounds great.

Conclusion: don't leave it at 47kohms - add the proper load resistors for the cartridge.

Thanks to all,