Roger Waters Amused to Death LP what is it worth$

LP and not CD

I was wondering where one can get this LP, and how much is a mint copy worth in US dollards?

I think there was only European/Dutch copys ever made, not sure how many were made.

Also, are they Audiophile vinyl quality?

Help !

Looking for a first edition copy of Roger Waters Amused to Death.
Can any fellow members send me info or pictures for what to look out for.
Ebay seems like one of the sources but I have read that fakes are being sold.

Thanks guys,
I am huge Pink Floyd fan since before most people had even heard of the band. After twenty years I'm still trying to like Amused to Death. I understand the market forces at work, it is just not one I would spend that kind of coin on. I would suggest buying the CD first unless one is already familiar with the album. There are certainly much better ways to invest. :-)
Here's a nice site with a lot of infos. At the end of the page there's a discography. This could help you to distinguish different offers.

Amused to Death

Meanwhile, a 180gr. reissue has been released, and lots of counterfeits are on the market.
Have the CD, played it lots when I got back in 93.
When I was at Mike L's place the LP was so stunning that I want to get the LP as well. The LP belonged to Steve Dobbins and it was the first release of the LP.
The problem is that I do not want to buy a fake-bootleg of the original.

Solong, Thanks for great the link. It is a good one.

Thanks for the help.