Should I try the Cambridge Audio 640p?

I'm wondering how to improve my LP sound. I have a PrimaLuna Prologue2 with their phono stage added. Would I do better with the Cambridge Audio 640p? It certainly is reasonably priced.

Rega P3 TT
Elys cartridge
ProAc Reference Sig Tablette

Thanks for any suggestions.
I got one of those heavily modified Cambridge 640p's as well. It really breathes. Someone on this site is selling one for ~$600 if you just need to spend the money, else you can mod it yourself.
08-17-08: Grinnell
I dont think you will see much of an improvement. I have the PL2 and had the phono board and got a Parasound Zphono with a TT and did not see much of a change. The Cambridge gets mentioned in the same list with the Zphono.
This review MENTIONS both the ZPhono and the 640P, and of course they're on the same list because one is $149 and the other is $169, but the review makes it very clear that the ZPhono is not in the same league as the 640P. At all.

I have several Parasound Z components and a 640P. The 640P definitely operates at a higher level. As soon as I took the 640P out of the box it put out a contract on my phono noise floor. By the time I plugged the 640P in, the noise floor was gone.
Given that Audio Advisor has a 30-day trial period, which is plenty for a rigorous break-in and listening audition, and total shipping for a small unit like the 640p is maybe $15 tops, you have very little to lose to try it out.

And read this.
Thanks to all....yes i had read the review that Johnnyb53 sent the link to. It got me thinking about the 640p in the first place. Sounded like good value for the money.