Mint Tractor

I'm sorry, I apologize, please forgive me for doubting all of you who have told me of the need for the Mint Protractor. I got it today, and just did a quick check to find that the cartridge is indeed off set up with the VPI protractor that comes with the Supercout/10.5i. I read the directions and it is a very tedious, and slow going procedure, so I'll get back in a while and tell you if I hear any differences.
Small update: with fresh eyes I did see that the cantilever angle is a bit off. I find this part the hardest to determine because I have to use one angle to see if the lines are parallel and then tilt up a bit to see the angle of the cantilever... without shifting left or right.

Then it seems be very tricky to adjust the cartridge alignment without messing up overhang/distance.

I'm tring to walk away from the table every time I find myself thinking "Screw it - this has to be good enough and much better than how it was previously setup". I don't think I would have this discipline if it weren't for all the rave reviews here, so thanks guys.
Madfloyd,if you follow Audiogon's "Bad Boys",you must realize there is NO such thing as "Good Enough"!

Anything less than perfection will NOT be tolerated! -:)

Madfloyd, as you say it is difficult to get good angle to see. This is exactly why I have my 'table turned so that the arm is in the back. For my setup this allows me to get to both alignment points easier but the one closest to the spindle still gives me the most trouble seeing.

AND, don't forget, perfection is not possible. Even with the Mint. The best we can do is work to eliminate as much error as we can. It is most definitely an interative process. The more error we can adjust out the more we are rewarded.
I brought another light into the equation this morning and realized that I wasn't as accurate with Step A as I thought... so I started over. Every time I think I had it, I walked away and came back fresh a half hour later. If it looked good I moved on, otherwise adjusted again.

Step B is a pain - I'd adjust alignment to find I screwed up overhang. And step B seems a little more 'subjective' than step A.

Anyhow, was finally satisfied with step B and declared myself finished. :-)
Yes Mad,

But how does it sound now? Is it making you glad you spent all that time trying for pefection? Are ya happy?
