Matching Cartridge to Hovland Phono

Question: I have the Hovland HP-100 with the MC 63db step-up transformer. Looking at their specs (below) is a Dynavector 20xl a good 'match' to this phono? I have some difficulty understanding what to look for in getting an ideal match.

Specs for the DV 20xl:

Type High/Low output moving coil cartridge with flux damper and softened magnetism
Output Voltage 2.8mV / 0.3mV (at 1KHz, 5cm/sec.)
Channel Separation 25 dB (at 1KHz)
Channel balance 1.0 dB (at 1KHz)
Frequency response 20 - 20,000Hz (± 2dB)
Compliance 12 x 10-6 cm/dyn
Tracking force 1.8 - 2.2grams
DC resistance 150 ohms / 5 ohms
Recommended load
resistance > 1Kohms / > 30 ohms
Cantilever 6mm length, hard aluminium pipe
Stylus Micro-Ridge
Weight 8.6 grams

Hovland HP-100:
Phono Stage (46 dB gain)
Minimum input voltage: approx. 0.7 millivolt @ 1000 Hz
Input impedance: 1 meg ohm
Frequency response: ±0.15 dB, 25 Hz - 25 kHz
S/N ratio: 60 dB below 2 mv input wideband
75 dB below 2 mv input w/ 400 Hz high-pass filter

MC Phono Stage with MC-7 Transformer (63 dB gain)
Maximum input voltage: approx. 1.0 millivolt @ 1000 Hz
Input impedance: approx. 530 Ω (provision for reduced loading)
Thanks Elinor,

I do plan to call Alex; have talked him with several times over the last few years. I sent my Hovland back last year and got the latest upgrades; was well worth it, definitely lowered the noise floor. I am curious what tubes you are using in the phono? Last year I ordered some Mullard NOS from Upscale Audio. I haven't been that happy with them. They seem a little noiser than the stock Hovland tubes and lacking a little of the liveliness I had before... I may just order a stock set from Alex...
Let's get the story straight! ;-)

If you're using the .3mv version of the Dyna then, yes, you should be using the MC inputs. The gain structure is fine, which is why you're having no issues in that regard.

The only question is impedance. This is extremely sensitive when using a stepup transformer and no one can give you more than general guidance. Each system is unique and the adjustment when using an SUT is so touchy that trial and error is the only method for optimizing.

Good luck!
0,3 mV output should do, but you could very well go with a bit higher output (I have talk to Alex about this befor ordering my phonostage).

I am using the Hovland MM myself with an outboard step-up (26dB) for my XV-1s (0,3mV). In my opinion your combination (arm and phonostage) deserves a better cartridge than the one your planning to use. Hope you don't mind me saying so.

I'm using Telefunken tubes in both phono- and linestage. Not as bold sounding as some tubes, but the soundstage depth and dynamics are incredible.
Thanks for the feedback...I only used the 20XL since I previously had it on my Scout...I would agree, I should move to a better cartridge (as soon as funds permit)... I spoke to Hovland and they said that there should be no issues using the 20XL in conjunction with the HP-100... They did suggest that I get a 'better' cartridge at some point, but that for now I may want to look at other cables for the arm... I have heard good reports on the Hovland cable before, so I may try it soon...