Help choosing a new cartridge

Could someone with a little more knowledge than myself help me choose a new cartridge in the $500 range? I've got a VPI Scout and a EAR 834P phono pre. The 834P is low MC capable, but I don't know what the loading or any of that stuff is on it so I don't know what kind of low MC will work well with it. I've posted my system if you want to see what else I'm working with. I play mostly rock music, but more of the indie rock variety than the hard rock or classic rock variety. I'd like something musical with a full bottom end.

08-25-08: Jaybo
ditch the notion of mc, and get an AT 150...spend the balance on records.
I'm glad somebody else said it first. I looooove my AT150MLX and have no intention/desire to upgrade it for a long time. It just gives me everything I want, nothing of what I don't want, and if I wear it out, stylus replacement is an affordable $179.

At $500, you could get the AT150MLX for $250, totally not worry about matching output strength to the phono stage, and have enough left over to get 25 sealed Original Jazz Classics re-issues from Acoustic Sounds.
Audio Technica indeed might be a good choice. I'm listening to my OC-9 right now and for the money - well within your price range - it sounds pretty darned good.
Interesting thing about my AT150MLX: The more I've improved the components downstream, the better it's revealed the AT150MLX's goodness, and hasn't introduced any of its limitations, whatever they might theoretically be.