Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
I wonder if I my steamer is simply a dud. I guess for $15 I can try buying another.

Another question: I'm still confused about rinsing - not the logic behind it but this: wouldn't another steam blast be just as good of a rinse?
Madfloyd : May I ask what brand of Steam Cleaner are you using and is it under warrenty ?

PS Hanna Talk: Lots of Wind & Rain to the North of me most power is out but I'm doing well in Cub Hill, MD (our lines underground , most trannies on ground) .
Stevieboy : No problem. Welcome to the WorldWide Steam Cleaning Club. S, one "Q" do you have a good source for distilled or what is referred to a "Super-Water" ??
Sonofjim : I was surprised to find one in a discarded cover to be trashed. I have to locate my 61 & to determine its vintage. Thanks, the hunt is to be continued ...
Crem1, I'm using the one recommended in this thread (the one Strltrains used in his video) - forget the name offhand.