Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
This may be a dumb question, but....

There's a red light on the Perfection? Where? I don't see one.
It's near the base, it is lit when the thermostat calls for the steamer to heat up. So it goes on and off as the need for steam is called for. It always goes on when first plugged in until the thermostat shuts it down.
Nickiguy: Thanks for your support. Later this year or perhaps a little later, I will be posting some helpful hints to clean difficult LPs. So far these methods have been sucessful with a handful of recordings that resisted steam cleaning. Nickiguy, all the best.
FYI : On Sunday, a "Professional" steam cleaner "exploded"(complete failure)in my Kitchen. No damage done to humans or the surroundings. For reasons currently unkmown, the unit exploded shortly after I left the room to answer a line-line phone call. This is a reminder, sometimes, steam cleaning units can fail.The explosion was contained in-itself & not a danger , just a lot of water on the foor. I shall to take the steamer to a repair house for details. Be assured it scared the S--- out of me.
FYI : A local repair shop has expressed interest in attempting a repair. The unit has tamper-proof screws so the job is better left to someone that can work on a steamer. I am curious to learn what exactly failed and what that part was made of, plastic or metal.