Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
Readers: In my part of the US, "Aqunafina" is on sale. 24 bottles equaly'ing near 3.16 Gal of pure water is being sold for $3.99 in discount houses & $4.99 in SuperMarkets. "AQ" is reportly near 99% as pure a Nerl water that reportly costs about $80-$100 per 5 Gal inc. shipping as opposed to the price of "AQ" in your area. Just a mention.
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"Might they adversely affect the records we are so intent on preserving?"

Absolutely, as might impurities in the air. That's why I'm building a vacuum chamber for my listening room.

Yes, I'm joking. :)
"If it's good enough for the Fremer, it's good enough for me." didn't they sing that in Sgt. York?
Actually, NERL Type 1 Reagent Grade water is available for 55.00 dollars per 5-gal container, delivered to your door.

I have no dog in this fight, but if you think that 'Aquafina' has gone through the same filtering cycle as medical grade Type 1 water-or anything even close-you're sadly deluding yourself.

Not matter what Mikey Fremer says. In fact, I immediately analyze with great skepticism *anything* he says. If I didn't, I'd be using this ridiculous cleaning regimen found on his website.